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Product code: 16495085 / 583942
TopSpec UlsaKind Cubes 20KG.
UlsaKind (Ultra Low Starch Anlaysis) Cubes are very low starch and are made to provide calories for condition, whilst being gentle to the digestive system, even when it is compromised by extreme acidity. TopSpec UlsaKind Cubes are suitable for horses prone to, or suffer-ing with sensitive stomachs due to them being gentle on the diges-tive system.
UlsaKind Cubes are ideal in those circumstances where the internal surface of the stomach has been eroded making the stomach sore and uncomfortable for the horse. UlsaKind Cubes contain very high levels of β-glucans which form a gel and coat the stomach lining with a protective film. The gel-like stomach con-tents are less likely to splash the upper squamous epithelium in the stomach making the horse more comfortable. These β-glucans also slow the rate of passage of feed through the stomach and intestines because of the sticky, gel-like consistency of the feed. In the stomach this means that the length of time when the stomach is empty and therefore highly acidic, are reduced. Because the β-glucans in UlsaKind Cubes bind to sugars in the intestine, their absorption is slowed and the glycaemic index of the feed is lowered.
UlsaKind Cubes are designed to be added to a TopSpec Feed Balancer or sup-plement and therefore contain no added vitamins or trace-elements. They are however, enriched with the minerals calcium, sodium and magnesium.